Photo of Sarah (bottom right) on display in the Faurot Field pressbox
at Mizzou.
Below is the photo that's displayed (thanks to Kyle Colburn for the
photo, taken at MU basketball game) Sarah Becking Photographer
2008-09 Mizzou Basketball "Media Guide is dedicated to the late Sarah Becking...."
Click the photo for a full pdf file of that page.
"Chalkbot" message written approximately here during 2009 Tour de France
Darin Wernig and University of Missouri Press released Hear The Roar!
Many of Sarah's photos are included from 2007, inside and on the cover.
Book (will be) available here
Front Cover
Included on page before Table of Contents
Back Cover
Photos of Sarah's memorial stone are below. More can be viewed here.
A video of the stone can be viewed here
Memorial Tree at CDC Preschool at First Baptist Church
(Colorful) Garden Arbor Sarah made for the playground visible in the background
Memorial Brick placed at Mizzou Alumni Center in 2009 Sidewalk leading to Alumni Center shown below
Memorial Brick placed at Mizzou Alumni Center in April 2011 Sidewalk leading to Alumni Center shown below
Sidewalk leading to Alumni Center. "Sarah E.M. Becking Tiger 4Ever" is installed about halfway to the door in this photo, between "Responsibility" and "Respect". "In Memory of Sarah Becking S.E.M.B. BJ '95" is installed between "Pride" and "Diversity". Both bricks are roughly in the middle of their sections.