Archive for December, 2007
Merry Christmas 2007
It’s been another grand year for the Becking household, moving forward with housing and growing and schooling and dancing and Mizzouing as appropriate. Sarah & Jason travelled to New York, Virginia, Colorado, Oklahoma City, and San Antonio, with the rest of the family also making those last two trips. We mixed in some medicine and some Mizzou on those trips, but even better got to see some old friends on each of them. Thanks to all for hospitality along the way.
Jack Thayer is now two and likes race cars and football guys and super guys. And race car shirts and football shirts and super guy shirts. He’s also not above wearing a pink leotard should the occasion arise (with sister’s encouragement). He’s attending pre-school for the first time, two days a week, and seems to be taking that very well.
Adelaide is five but missed the cutoff for the start of kindergarten by a few weeks, so back to CDC pre-school for her, this year at five days a week. Jack shares her class in the afternoon when he’s there, so she gets to boss both the teachers and the brother around on those days. She just had her third Christmas Dance recital, performing wonderfully in a Mambo Santa number, on the path of wanting to be Hannah Montana or, even better, a Golden Girl (and thanks to them for being so nice to her during the year).
Sarah & Jason are each cruising along in the photography realm. Sarah continues to shoot for Mizzou and lots of kids’ portraits. Jason continues to bring lots of her orders home with him from Miller’s. It’s conceivable that her business is the only reason he remains on the payroll. On the health front, monitoring and education remain the primary treatments, with the good help of our local physicians and friends accompanying the national groups. Sarah continues to feel well, thank you.
It’s been a shockingly busy year, with lots of time in lots of places, but not nearly enough time with lots of friends and family. The way of everyone’s busy world for sure, but we hope to improve there and see more of each of you along the way. You’re warned for 2008.