Jason's Untimely Thoughts

Opinions may change over time.

Damn Yankees Have Taken Over My House

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Given the occasional drawl that both Adelaide and Jack possess, I’ve been hopeful they’d pass as southern types.  Those hopes have been dashed.

Last night, the kids and I were going to the park after I finished dishes.  I asked Adelaide to “bring me y’alls plates first.”

“Um, y’all?” she said digustingly.  You’re supposed to say ‘your’ or ‘you guys’.  Or ‘Bring me yours and Jack’s plates, please.'”

I then informed her emphatically that “y’all” is a completely proper word.  And made her go find me some sweet tea, cornbread, and buttermilk.  (Not really on the buttermilk, it’s gross)

Written by Jason Becking

June 19th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Posted in Mindless Ramblings