Jason's Untimely Thoughts

Opinions may change over time.

Kids Talk

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The three of us went to dinner tonight at the country club.  Was very good, mostly empty, just sat and talked and ate while watching it rain outside.

Adelaide says “You should retire so you could come out here and go golfing.”  Yes, I should.  But how would we pay for the country club, if I didn’t work?  “You’d still get money.  Or we could put out an envelope or something, and you’d get half, I’d get half, and Jack would get half.”  Election Season math.  “Plus, you’d get to spend more time with us!”.  Awwwww.

At home then, turned on some music so she could dance and put on a show.   That lasted for about 30 minutes, until it was bedtime.  I then played two Dixie Chicks songs, Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) and Lullaby.  I started listening to a lot of Dixie Chicks before we went to New Orleans, still seem to come up a ton when my iPod is on random, and they commonly remind me of Sarah.  Played those two songs for a moment of quiet time, before we go to bed.  Near the end of the second one, Jack, who has been hugging me for most of the two songs, looks up and says “I miss mommy.”  Awwww again.

Awwww ruined as Adelaide gets mad because I won’t play a Hannah Montana song next, bed time fight is on (but short).

Written by Jason Becking

September 11th, 2008 at 8:35 pm

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