Jason's Untimely Thoughts

Opinions may change over time.

Update for a Friday

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I’m at work toiling away when our receptionist calls… “Vicki Pinkel is here to see you.”  (her husband is MU’s football coach, for the unknowing).

“Excuse me?” I say.

“Vicki Pinkel is here to see you,” again.  So I go downstairs.

They had sold some pictures of Sarah’s at an event she organizes, the Women’s Football Clinic, earlier this fall, and she was dropping off a check from the sale of those photos to donate to the kids fund.  Also then had one of the photos framed and signed by the coaches and seniors, which she gave to us.  She also made sure to tell me how much they all appreciated Sarah.

A nice suprise for a Friday afternoon and another nice gesture from people that worked with Sarah and people that she enjoyed.

Tomorrow the kids will be going to Malden for a few days.  They’ll come back this way Tuesday night.  I have a few work obligations, they have no school next week, etc.,  We’ll then be back in town for a few days, then back to Malden for more Christmas.

After considerable debate, I’ve also decided to go to San Antonio for the Alamo Bowl — Mizzou against Northwestern.  Will be the first time on record that I’ve made every game in a season, but mostly going because we liked San Antonio so much.  Of course that also makes it hard to go.  A couple of friends will pass through briefly for the game, so that will be good too.  It’s also a chance to hopefully move forward on a detail of Sarah’s memorial stone (the bronze).  I’d be glad to include a little San Antonio there if it works.

Lots of questions, naturally, about how we’re doing and how the holidays are going.  In general, things are going as well as they can, better than could have reasonably expected I think.  I have no delusions and realize parts of Christmas will be very hard, but in general busy makes things better.  And if there’s never been a doubt that Christmas was busy for us.

I’m still mostly living in denial of the changes, going from task to task to next on the schedule, but things are easier in some respects, which is unnatural to admit.

Back to the donations.  From what I can find, approximately $38,000 has been donated in total to the kids education fund, the Pallative Care account at Ellis Fischel, and POYi (including proceeds from the Hold That Hug event).  All of that is an amazing tribute and is greatly appreciated.  Any donated to the kids fund is being managed by our financial advisor, just for the record.  And without going into any more details here, there is another event or two in the planning stages that would further impact other lives while honoring Sarah.

Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukkah) and Happy New Year to you and yours.  Hug your friends and family.  Go Tigers.

and on a side note, screw ku.

Written by Jason Becking

December 19th, 2008 at 4:05 pm

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