Archive for August, 2010
Yay, Summer.
Last year I wrote something here that I titled “July July July Sucks“, then went a month without writing anything. This year, it seems I skipped writing a similarly sentimentally titled post, but made up for it by taking two months off from writing.
For obvious reasons, July sucks, still. We had a great trip to Colorado surrounding the 4th of July, but there’s simply no ignoring the fact that the time period around the 4th brings back miserable memories for me. Add in general discontentment with some things personal and professional and then the natural need to not spill all those details and thoughts in a public place, and I’m just not much in the writing spirit. It’s too bad, really, because I’ve been plenty mad a few different times that some of it would have been quite entertaining reading, in a scorched earth sort of way. Oh anonymous blog, when will your time come?
I don’t believe July sucked for the kids, which is good. In addition to the time in Colorado, they spent a week in Malden where they swam, swam, and swam. Adelaide then went to Chicago to visit the American Girl store and all other things Chicago in the early part of August. Add in a Cardinals and Royals game each, plus spending a night at their cousins’ house, think they had a good end of summer run. They are back in school now. Jack has started kindergarten and is liking it very much thus far. Probably his favorite thing at the moment is the fact that he has someone in class named Max (like our cat) and Jason (not our cat). Just funny stuff. Adelaide is in second grade and is glad to have two good friends in class this year. Each start of school, though, especially with kindergarten this year, is also painful. It’s natural, but surprised me how much it hit me again this year.
With school comes (traffic) football, which will lift our spirits. I’m scheduled to attend the first 7 games already, and 10 total, so I think we all know that means I’ll be going to 14 games again this year. I’ve always really liked football, as countless relatives could no doubt attest, but I simply enjoy the escape the games provide me more now than I used to. There’s little doubt that part of it is simply because Sarah & I never watched football games together anyway, so being there without her doesn’t seem weird. And losses don’t bother me as much as they used to, which also seems weird. That said, 14-0, Big 12 Championship, down with everyone.
Finally, I’m listening to my entire iTunes collection by song alphabetically. Thus far, the clear winner for worst song in the collection is U Can’t Touch This. Oh, Hammer. Thus concludes the end of summer recap blog post.